All Age Worship – Co-operation

Every few months we hold ‘All Age Worship’. At each of these participants young and old are given a choice of 3 to 5 activities, which may well have a co-operative side to them. They are normally arranged around a theme, such as ‘light’ or ‘new life’. Here are some photos from last week, which was on the theme of ‘co-operation’.


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In life – the simpler the better?

Some people find it easy to live simply. Others have it forced upon them, by, for instance, losing their job in the present recession.

Simplicity doesn’t have to mean deprivation, but for us in this civilisation it seems that we think ‘more is better’.

But Gandhi said, ‘Live simply, that others may simply live’. ‘ Live simply, and gain a lot of time’ also makes sense. Or – ‘live simply and gain more happiness and wisdom’.

Travellers find that cultures where people are poor are on the whole happier. Sometimes this is because people tend to help each other if they are poor; but we also find individuals in our own culture who choose a simple life and report that they have more peace of mind.

So – why don’t we all choose it?

Well, on the face of it, it gives more satisfaction to have choice, to take the opportunities we are offered. ‘Buy this and have more fun!’ ‘Go to this distant place and have more sun!’ And in certain circumstances having a choice may make all the difference to your life.

But too much choice leads to worry and possible dissatisfaction with the choice you have made; it takes up your time and distracts you from other things which might give you a deeper experience.

And life choices that depend on money often require you to spend more time earning it. Worse still, they can lead to endless greed, for bigger and better everything.

You have only to look at the present revelations about M.P.s’ expenses to see that some people will take whatever is available to them, without caring about having more than their share.

Quakers have a testimony about seeking simplicity. They also believe in equality. The two really go together. Where you have equality there is less cause for envy and conflict. Of course voluntary simplicity calls for choices to be made, sometimes continually, but they become easier if they are based on principle and belief.

Lindsey March, reprinted from the Watford Observer 5th June 2009.

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The Disillusioned Cynic

This is it. Modern Life, it’s brilliant.
Long healthy lives; so many prospects;
I feel so content. OK, someone every second
Dies of stavation or disease.
But I’ve got Sky Plus.
Besides, they’re not my problem –
They’re miles away – I’m not selfish –
I suffer from Compassion fatigue.
It’s not my fault there’s so much suffering.
Why can’t rich people give money?
Why are they bombarding me with those
Emotive adverts?
Damn you, Oxfam, you’ve found my conscience
(I thought I’d lost it). I’m not being sarcastic –
There was me complaining that it was raining yesterday.
In some parts of the world it doesn’t rain all year.
Nice climate? Not really. I’m not religious.
How can they say God loves everyone the same?
“Yeah, one minute, Mum.”
Looking out the window…wish I could be that sparrow
So free
Maybe not, it’s got bird flu!

Owen Everett

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Ideal Life

What is my ideal life?
Is it a set desire?
I query this.
Am I but one person,
One personality with but one dream?
Never; as days and circumstances change,
So do ideals and desires
Ever alter.

Margaret Vaughan

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Sacred Space at Celebration

A space set aside for people to share something of their faith with others.
A time set aside to listen deeply to what others are telling us.
Amid the noise and activity of celebrating Watford’s cultures and talents,
a quieter place to share our deeper convictions, to meet on another level.
Many people come for their ‘slot’, do their ‘piece’ and move on,
we are glad to hear their contribution, share a taste of their faith and their lives.
Some people come in to learn about a specific faith group,
we hope they hear what they need to hear, the essential essence.
A few come into the space and stay, listen to one contribution after another.
The variety is fascinating. The depth that can be achieved in fifteen minutes, amazing.
From the first small event in West Watford in 2005, I was totally ‘hooked’ by the Sacred Space. I wanted to hear everyone, to just be there and truly listen.
It makes a long day, but I have been blessed by hearing nearly every item, every year.
And I’ll be back for more this year, there are great riches to be discovered here.
Will you join me? Those who listen contribute as much as those who speak, so come along in whatever capacity and see what you find.

Stephanie Grant

Come join us at Celebration on the 25th. See for details.

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